Palo Alto, California
Businesses: Research Labs
Scale: 100,000 square feet
Led the workplace discovery and re-design of an immersive pure and applied research facility where PhD researchers work to solve a variety of scientific theories and problems.
Research Labs
Project Goals:
Create diverse collaboration spaces for individuals and large groups.
Enhance the environment with light, warmth, color, technology, and branding.
Integrate Founder’s Offices with a modern demo space in alignment with the extended EBC experience.
Customize individual spaces for deep concentration and problem-solving.
Design areas for envisioning, building, and co-creating experiments and projects.
Establish a centralized collaboration hub with pantry services and reintroduce HP Labs gatherings.
Incorporate VC, digital displays, and collaboration tools throughout the space.
Integrate sustainable materials, systems, and tools.
Provide flexible workspaces for interns and visiting collaborators adjacent to their work groups.
Neighborhood Planning Concept
New reception lobby
Customer Experience Center
Idea Lab
Gathering Space
Modern work environment
Open collaboration
Enclosed collaboration
The “Hub” community space
Team / project rooms
Team neighborhoods