Telework Program

The Telework (Remote Work) Program I lead was launched due to several factors: limited office space, employee interest in reducing commuting, the need for 24/7 global collaboration, increased employee mobility, and advancements in remote collaboration technology.

I secured an executive sponsor from the World-Wide Sales, Marketing, and Service Group, whose employees were frequently off-campus. After garnering support, I collaborated with various departments and an external consultant to develop the program, defining three categories of teleworkers (Full-Time, Part-Time, Casual) and providing them with essential tools and a stipend for home office setup.

To address concerns about available workspace for teleworkers visiting the office, I implemented “WorkLink” business suites, exclusively for teleworkers, offering technology-equipped shared spaces. Additionally, I co-developed an interactive online training program for employees transitioning to telework.

The program was successful, with over 300 employees enrolling in the first year, leading to a 6% increase in building capacity, equating to $4.2M in cost avoidance, and a 10% rise in reported productivity. It also positively impacted talent attraction and retention. The program's success extended to customer interest, leading to discussions about the telework program in executive sessions. The program not only achieved its intended goals in space and cost efficiency but also significantly improved work-life balance for employees, as reflected in their appreciative feedback.


    • May improve productivity by reducing the time employees spend commuting

    • May reduce interruptions and create a more productive work environment

    • Improve the work life balance for employees

    • Create a work environment that closes the gap with competitors

    • Reduce office space requirements

    • Mitigates current space shortage

    • Qualifies for tax incentives

    • Leverages mobile technologies

    • Reduces traffic congestion and emissions

    • Time and money saved

    • No commute or parking stress


Schiphol, Netherlands